Sunday, February 7, 2010

Holly Quran, Al Fatiha, and Jesus Christ

AssalumAleikum everyone!!! I wanted to share some of the links that have been helping me out very much in my continuous learning. InshaAllah this will help out more as it has helped me :o)

The first link is to an online recitation of the Holly Quran. I love this site because it offers different languages that the Holly Quran is translated into. Also, it includes Hadiths, and sharing options on the left hand side. You can share this site on Facebook, MySpace, Google ect... I love it!!!

Second is a link to a video I found on youtube posted by a user named ReadSurahsnDuas. This video has been helpful to me with the pronunciation of the Arabic words and depicting the sounds. Also, I like how it translates Al Fatiha in English so I can understand what it is I am saying.

Lastly, I included an article about Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) and his role in Islam. I claimed being Christian non denominational before reverting to Islam. However, I was not comfortable with accepting Jesus Christ (PBUH) as God himself. One of the things I found very welcoming and comforting in Islam is that all the Prophets before our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) are granted the same respect and status. I have not lost Jesus Christ (PBUH). I believe I have gained a clear message of who he was and the importance of him in Islam.

InshaAllah this will be helpful.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Purpose

I have decided to begin writing about the lessons I am learning. Not only those I am learning from life but those that come with the study of Islam and the path I have decided to take. Many times I may not find the right words to use or have all the answers... But I want everyone to know that I am sharing my personal feeling and opinions. I am not perfect but I just wish to share some things I feel and have learned. Some experiences which have been difficult to deal with and how I am handling all the changes that come with Islam and why I am changing also. Maybe there is someone else out there that is experiencing the same thing or going through something similar, and not just in Islam, maybe in other religions as well. I have found myself to be alone many nights or confused and even questioning myself and my beliefs at times. However, I have always found an answer that has brought me closer to my religion and has helped to strengthen me in facing what is coming up next... So Inshallah this will help someone else. :o)